Monday, 18 February 2013

Serious Wood Elf comp

I thought I would type up my opinions on comp with regard to the forest dwellers at the moment. Nearly every tournament run at the moment seems to think it's acceptable to say "Wood Elves - no further restrictions"  but seriously guys that's a bit of a joke isn't it? I mean you have monsterous cav all over the place and death magic everywhere. I understand it's hard to comp the wood elves because nobody plays them and therefore to have someone on your comp comity who knows a reasonable way to comp them is a tough task but we aren't asking for a new book, just a little bit to make it worthwhile taking them 100 miles to a tournament. I would propose the following if I were writing some comp for them.

#1: Spellweavers can take Shadow

Everyone has access to a lot of magic lores and wood elves just have life, beasts and athel loren. There is nothing in these lores to really deal with heavy armour and lets be realistic, if an army that had no armour were to study a magic lore it wouldn't be shadow fits into the fluff with the elves fighting from within the shadows of the woods and being generally secretive. Eternal guard are practically useless these days (I still always take them) but if they were mindrazored with two attacks each and LD 9 then people would seriously consider it. I'm an an honest person and I will admit that the thought of whithering followed by 90 shots could be a bit worrying but if that’s all you have to worry about from the Wood Elves then it's really not that bad is it, not compared to the filth around at the moment.

#2. Let my BSB keep his bow.

Enough said! Why the hell would anyone say "ooh I know I'm off out for a fight today, I'll leave my bow at home"

#3. Spellsingers to have access to beasts.

All armies have lvl 1 and 2 mages and usually these mages are given access to a couple of lores. Now I understand that Wood Elf lvl 1 mages have access to Athel Loren and 4 lvl 1's on Athel Loren could be potentially devastating...oh it couldn't. Basically Wood Elf players are either taking a scroll on their lvl 4 or taking a lvl 1 to carry a scroll, so thats a 115pt scroll caddy...not fair. let us have beasts for gods sake!

#4. 5+ ward to be unaffected by magic

Why oh why is the wood elf forest spirit ward save only against mundane attacks? Daemons get it for everything so why can't we?

#5 Steadfast in Forests/Woods

Yeah so in the rulebook you lose steadfast if you are within the presence of a wood...something I think we can all agree that Wood Elves would not be scared of is fucking trees...I mean come on... sort it out!

That’s it... am I asking for too much? Will it break the game? seriously let me know what you think because I have actually got to the point now where I think Wood Elves cannot deal with a tournament scenario...if we take 3 trees to deal with armour then the same armies can cannon those trees off the board. If we take loads of chaff and no monsters then in turn 2 you have one of your units in combat with a unit of movement 6 monsterous cavalry.

Don't even get me started on unicorns...



  1. Great post - I think some of these changes should form the backbone of a book release, especially the lore changes. Beasts for singers is actually quite inspired.

  2. Thanks Danny, I seriously think its time to start giving wood elves a leg up rather than just putting no restrictions.

  3. Hi,

    1) I think that SHadows would be overwhelmingly too powerful and would go from one end to the other. Wood Elves are already good at avoidance and gicing them access to spells which further allow thme to reduce their opponents movement whilst enabling them to peppar the shit out of them from afar is too good of a swing.

    2) BSB keeping bow. "normal" bsb's cant use normal shields. I think that the the tourneys that comp to allow normal bsb's to take normal mundane equipment should allow the WE BSB to take a normal bow, otherwise...meh

    3)I fully agree that beasts should be accessible to L1's though

    4 + 5) Fully agree
