Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Tale of 2 Warbosses - Part 2

Let battle commence!

Gill and I met at York Garrison for their Saturday all day session (2nd Sat of every month) we played our 600pts lists against eachother and the results were surprising! along with complete's what happened.

So I had a mage and I took 2 spells, I got the Number 6 spell "curse of da bad moon" and the one that grants poison attacks (not sure of name) Gill went first and rushed at me with his cav and the savage orcs followed closely behind.

I moved my 20 Goblins forward into fanatic range and out they popped! Killing 2 savage orc boar boyz. 1 Mangler Squig kills itself... bent

Savage Orcs fail animosity and have to cahrge the fanatic, the fanatic kills 3 and the Orcs end up on top of another Fanatic...4 more Savage Orcs dead...Savage Orc Boar Boyz charge my Goblins and lose 5 to Fanatics AHHAHAHAHHAH

Turn 2.....

I fail my animosity and have to charge nearest unit with my 26 night goblins...this launches 3 more fanatics out, who only go 3 and 4" and one which cuts down another Boar I have to finish the charge...this puts me on top of 2 Fanatics and a Mangler Squig....bye bye 21 Goblins!!!!! total chaos...and Fail...animosity FTL.

Turn 3....

After a draw the previous round the Goblins overwhelm the final Savage Orc Boar Boy and the general flees and gets cut down as I roll a mighty 11.

Savage Orcs charge the 20 Goblins and win combat, putting all his attacks on my general and his 4 night goblins they now flee and die all thats left is wolf riders and 20 fleeing goblins.

Turn 4....

Goblins rally! Wolf Riders move in behing for a rear charge.
Savage Orcs fail their Charge on the Goblins.

Turn 5...

Goblins charge the front of the Savage Orcs and the Wolf Riders hit the rear...Wolf Riders flipping PWN the Savage Orcs in some serious dice carnage and kill 4 out of the 7 remaining. Static Res does the rest and the Savage Orcs flee and get cut down.

Was actually an awesomely fun game. Cant wait till they meet up painted for the next clash of OnG Rivalry!

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