Thursday, 8 March 2012

Tempest V

I had the pleasure of attending Tempest V a few weeks back, and once again it was very very enjoyable. Banter, funky lists, armies you don't normally see, people fielding models that had been shelved for over a year :D it was great fun. Ben Curry even took 3 manticores which was nice to look at...there might have been a dragon in there too?

I went with Sheen Gill, he took his newly aquired Daemons and I took my VC which I have been doing on and off for aabout 6 months, wow longer actually, but I wasn't really doing anything with them until the new book came out. This was my first proper outing with them.

I took 10 hexwraiths, a unit of 9 spirit hosts :P and 150 zombies. I cant even remember what lord I took now...aaah yes they were all on foot... it went ok on the whole, I only lost 1 game drew 3 and won 2. 2 of the draws I should definitely pushed for wins and one I was lucky to get (Daemons eat my ethereals) I played a guy with Goblins and looking back I think he slowplayed me for the draw, he even went out to use his phone for 10 mins near the end when it was looking good for me but meh who cares it was a laugh either way.

Had a few games of poker on the Sat night and so far it has been my favourite tourney attendance from a fun point of view. I would have to say that the detatchment comp was lame, I didn't like it much and allowing so many dragons/manticores/flyers but other than that it was cool.

Looking forward to the next one!

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