Friday, 25 November 2011

No Holes Barred

Last weekend I attended the “No Holes Barred” tournament at held at Maelstrom Games and run by Will Goodwin and some of his little elven helpers, Neil Peckett, Paul Brown Ben Harris and Laura Kennedy. It was a 2 day event with 6 games including secret missions and 2 scenarios, Capture the Hill and Blood and Glory. The secret missions included, Kill the enemy General, capture more board quarters than the enemy, Capture more standards, Breakthrough (get 300pts or more into your enemies deployment zone) Kill more of your enemies special/rare than he did of yours and finally capture 2 pieces of terrain (wood, hill etc)
There was no comp apart from no Folding Fortress and the power spells (dwellers, gateway etc) granted a look out sir!

The tourney was well run and we raised about £200 for charity which I think is awesome. There were some familiar faces (even to me) at the event, tournament regulars “The Black Sun” were there, Russ Veal, Dan Heelan who? (some guy who changes rules packs to suit his own army I heard) but sadly no Chris Appleford and his boyfriend Shaun and no Matt (the king of grudges) Sewell :( sad times. I went down as part of Og North (my first Tournament under the OG banner) my goal for the weekend was to finish top Wood Elf player and win 2 games. I set myself a low bar as Wood Elves are crap and I expected to get well and truly raped in every game with it being no comp. There was only 1 other Wood Elf player there, Dave Maughan, his army was painted much better than mine (shown Below) and I’m pretty sure he spent more than 2 weeks on his army compared to my poor effort of slap dash mantic miniatures.

There were some great armies on display over the weekend and I stupidly forgot to take any pictures of them, Russ Veal’s WOC were really really nice as were Dave Sweetings Orcs and Goblins (with no Wyverns) they came 1st and second respectively in the painting comp. The other armies I liked were Rob Ing’s Skaven, Caz Ziafat’s Dark Elves, particularly his Couldron which is one of the Banebeast models and it works really well and I liked the High Elf army that was made up from chaos models (slanesh dragon princes!) but I can't remember his name. There were a lot of Ogre and High Elf players kicking about, probably cus Ogres are filth and High Elves get Always Strikes First so its impossible to ever win against them :D
The nights were not as rowdy as I thought they would be, there was a bit of D20 Spirit leech going on, a game I invented but never get to play cus all my friends are scared to gamble...Next time I’m gonna walk up to Chris Tomlin, slap his face, roll a D20 and say “your go bitch” to ensure I get a game. There was a little bit of street dice and I ate more boosts in one weekend than I have in my whole life so far.
The Winner of the Tournament overall was Matt Howley with his filthy dirty Conga lining Vamps. Joel Henry and his Ogres came second and some guy nobody has ever heard of in the warhammer world came 3rd Dominic Hook? Apparently he likes to spuzz on pictures and take pictures of the pictures then put them between 2 mirrors to create a neverending spuzz picture...its odd and so is he but he reckons its "art"

There was a raffle and weirdly at Tempest I requested number 619 and won the raffle with it, this time I requested 308 and the numbers either side of it so 305-309 and BAM!!!! I won a £50 Banebeast...which I swapped for the Banebeast Treeman for when I redo my Wood Elves (once I have learned how to paint that is)
I had a great time I really did and the people there were nice but particular shout outs go to Ed Morris for being the nicest guy in warhammer and when I bought him a pint he downed one to make way for mine....AWESOME. Caz Ziafat for starting a game against me by saying “I would give you loads of shit but your too nice” then ending it by saying “your a fucking Cunt” LOL, Ben Diesel for being such a nice bloke its insane, I heard a lot about Ben and “The Black Sun” give him a lot of shit but he’s is one sound guy, genuinely nice. Jotter for quoting Aliens with me, Kevin Weaver (pretty good finish there dude) for teaching me the rules and telling me to dwellers couldrons, Sandy for being a good sport when he cascaded his 2 mages and last but not least everyone at OG North for merely existing. I won't mention how I got on as you can read it in my battle reports and my summary (which will be added in numerous posts over the weekend). For now i'll leave you with a couple of pics of Dave's Wood Elves. I like the use of the Lotr scenery to create the movement tray and the Autumn colours are nice, when I redo my army of weakling elves i will consider this theme.


  1. Ooh, love the pics, haha.

    well done on the placings and picking up the best in race.

    looking forward to the rest of the write up.


  2. Thanks Dave, did you have a good time even though you took the wooden spoon? (1 more trophy than most ppl)

  3. Yeah it was great. Tournaments is about the onlt time I get to actualy play as I work away from home doing 12hr days then have to cramp a weeks worth of family time in at weekends so painting and gaming takes a hit most of the time.

  4. The comments systemon blogspot is annoying sometimes, you have to log out to comment :/ anyway 12 hour days suck, I am lucky to get so much time off. Glad you had a good weekend, maybe take some more Glade Guard next time :D
